About Me

Hey 👋🏻 I’m Nen, and I’m glad you’re here.

I’m a full-time communications professional living my fullest life in the tech space, a storyteller at heart, and a part-time powerlifter.

I started this website with the goal of creating meaningful content that I can share with the world. Having made strides in my self-improvement journey, and as I continue to work on myself — in the areas of health and wealth, recognizing my truth, setting meaningful intentions, learning to assign personalized value to life’s priorities  — I want to share my story with you.

shenenigains — a play on the word “shenanigans”, my actual name, and the gains I seek to make as I live this life — will be where my stories call home.

People often say that life is a zero-sum game — you gain in one area, you lose out on another. I want to be honest and upfront about the wins and losses. The subpar effort; the failures; the courage to admit my mistakes, overcome setbacks, rebalance priorities, and look for solutions. 

If reading, hearing, and watching my humble journey makes just one person feel better about the work they’re putting in or if it motivates them to take action, it will continue to fuel my sense of purpose in maintaining this website.
And if I can connect with you and build mutually enriching relationships, that is a plus point.

I’ve wanted to do this for so long, so this is me taking my leap and overcoming my nibbling fears and doubts.

On shenenigains, I write about anything and everything under the sun relating to:
  • Personal finance
  • Mental clarity
  • Fitness and health
  • Productivity
  • Growth mindset
  • Resilience
  • …and many more
What I am not going to do:
  • Finesse clickbait titles.
  • Write posts for the sake of going viral.
Because while those tactics may give me a bump in views, it’s not going to be meaningful or sustainable.

If you like what you’ve seen so far, and would like to support me as I churn out these content for free, you can:

  1. Sign up for my monthly newsletter. This goes out once a month, and will contain bite-sized pieces and resources that have either inspired me or I’ve utilized in my quest of self-improvement. Only concise information. No spam.
  2. Buy me a coffee. Simple!

I am also available for hire for communications and PR consulting, writing, and editing.
For collaborations, consultations, and business enquiries, drop me a line or book a 1:1 chat with me.

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